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James Reigner Scholarship Award


Kidz Luv Sports Offer scholarships to active members in good standing. A scholarship is an award of financial aid for a student/athlete to further their education/sports. Scholarships are awarded based upon various criteria, such as a member in good standing and reflects the values and purposes of Kidz Luv Sports.


Applicants can only request one scholarship once every two years. The James Reigner Scholarship is awarded in a check form made payable directly to the third party organization. The amount of the scholarship varies and is based on the availability of funds, not all applications may be awarded. The Board reserves the right to decline applications.


Applications can be submitted between January 1st to May 31st of the current year. The Board will meet and all applications will be reviewed by June which is at the end of KLS Inc. year. The applicant will be notified of the Board's decision by email. 


Applicants must be a Active Member in Good standing:


  • Have a membership form on file annually

  • Have paid their annual dues

  • Has meet the requirements of the three games

  • Has meet the training requirements

  • Have participated in fundraising activities throughout the year and continued to do so


Download the Scholarship Application Form


Members please email the completed application to


Members to mail the completed application to the address below:

Kidz Luv Sports Inc.

Attn: James Reigner Scholarship Award

12650 W 64TH AVE

UNIT E-251



Members To submit online: Download the Teachers/coaches Evaluation form and submit through the link below both the Teachers/coaches Evaluation with a letter of recommendation:


Online Fillable Scholarship Application Link

Teachers/Coaches Evaluation form


Corporate Sponsorship


Businesses who want to sponsor KLS Inc. will receive a unique gift package based on a level of sponsorship. A portion of the Corporate donation goes to J.R. Scholarship Award fund as well as to the club for operating expenses. All Levels of Sponsorships will run July to June.


Corporate Benefit Level of Donations  

  • Bronze Level – $500

    • ​Company’s Website and logo linked to our Website

    • KLS Sponsorship Certificate Framed

  • Silver Level – $1000 

    •  Quarterly email announcement 

    •  Includes Bronze Level Package 

  • Gold Level – $1500 

    • Social Media Blast 

    • KLS Set of Mugs or T-shirts 

    • Certificate

    • Includes Silver Level Package

    • Includes Bronze Level Package


Please fill out the Sponsorship Application form and submit your donation through PayPal. Click on the link: Corporate Sponsorship Application form


For more infomation Contact

Members - How to get a portion of a Corporate Donation

Members who procure a Corporate Sponsorship will get a portion of this donation. 3 ways for members to receive funds from Corporate Donations, if a member finds a sponsor for the club: 


  1. Contact and procure a sponsor individually. Members get 15% into their account

  2. Partner with another member in procuring a sponsor they split the 15% 

  3. Refer a contact and a board member will procure it. Member gets 5%


(KLS is willing to work with members on the percentages and/or a custom package for the corporation)

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